Some works from the Neopunk series.
Paintings dedicated to different dark psychological states and characteristics
Peripheral blue
Acrylic on canvas, 100x100 cm. 2020
There was a girl. Her childhood was spent on the industrial outskirts of the country. Instead of the sun, clouds of smog. Instead of rivers, poisoned acid streams with garbage. Instead of buildings, metal structures and barbed wire. One day a strange story happened to a little girl under a bridge. But I will not tell you what the story is. She began to dream of another world. The world of a big city with lights and beautiful buildings. She dreamed of leaving her outskirts forever. But the years passed. And she was getting old in anticipation of something. And she forgot that strange frightening story from her childhood. The question she asks herself, looking in the mirror in the sunset rays of the sun: Should I regret? Did I do something I should regret?

Work in progress
Devastate / Purify
Acrylic on canvas, 100x100 cm. 2020
My mysterious dark side
Acrylic on canvas, 100x100 cm. 2020
Peripheral blue


Peripheral blue
